Trunk or Treat 2024- Vehicle Registration
Registration Information:

No entry fee is paid, however pre-registration is required. To register your vehicle, please fill out the below information.  

Event Details:
Date: Thursday, October 31, 2024
NEW Location: Jess Gonzalez Sports Complex, 8471 Klingerman Street, Rosemead, CA 91770

Participating Requirements & Guidelines
Organization must bring their own candy and treats. We encourage organizations to plan for at least 3,500 children.
Vehicle owners must remain with their vehicle throughout the entirety of the event.
Due to space limitations, only cars and reasonable sized trucks will be allowed.
Participants are required to decorate their vehicles and encouraged to wear a costumes. Please keep in mind that this event is geared towards all ages - costumes and decorations should be appropriate for an audience of young children.
Music is welcome but volume must be kept to a minimum (your space only).
All participants (2 maximum per vehicle) must sign a City of Rosemead participant waiver.
Use of masks and gloves are highly recommended 
Promotional items are allowed, but must be given out with candy. Items provided must not stop the flow of participant traffic; surveys or the gathering of participants information is not permitted.
Organization is responsible for the cleanup of their assigned parking stall. 
Check-in time is at 4:00 pm. Participants must have their vehicle parked and decorated by 4:30 pm and are required to remain on-site and be operational until the conclusion of the event at 8:30 pm. Vehicles will be released once pedestrians have cleared the area.
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Email *
Organization Name *
Contact Person *
Address, City, State and Zip Code *
Phone Number (mobile is preferred) *
How many vehicles? (Please note: only two persons per vehicle) *
Please indicate the theme of your vehicle: *
I agree to all the requirements and guidelines for participation of the Trunk or Treat 2024 vehicle entry? *
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